Sunday, August 3, 2008

Acne and Antioxidants

For better understanding, it seems pertinent to define oxidation and antioxidants first.

What is oxidation?

Oxidation is a chemical process in which atoms lose their electrons. For instance, there are two atoms A and B. Atom A has lower ionization potential while atom B has higher ionization potential. The atom A with lower ionization potential loses its electron when Atom B with higher ionization potential attracts it. The process is known as oxidation reduction process.
So, it is clear that losing of electron by an atom is called oxidation while its reverse process is called reduction in which an atom gains an electron. When an atom loses its electron, it becomes less stable and becomes imbalanced. This imbalance causes the destruction in other chemical reactions.

What are antioxidants?
Antioxidants are chemical compounds that remove free radicals from your body, or in other words, they are the enemy of free radicals and react with them to be discharged from the body by urination and sweating.

Thus antioxidants are human friendly compounds that help human live happy and healthy.

Relation between acne and antioxidants:

Research shows that most of the antioxidants are found in our skin. Dermis is a middle skin layer responsible for vital functions. As we have already mentioned that our body continuously produces free radicals in exchange of complex chemical reactions, there must be antioxidants to neutralize them. Free radicals tend to penetrate in the skin; as a result your skin becomes wrinkly, rough and unpleasant. Continuous supply of antioxidants against free radicals greatly hampers the development of acne. You know acne is a disorder of inflammation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Thus, it is proved that free radicals degenerate sebaceous glands and hair follicles, and require efficient supply of antioxidants.

Finally, continuous supply of antioxidants surely reduces acne and gives your skin a fair look.

Taking antioxidants orally:
You can get antioxidants from various sources like food supplements, vegetables and fruits. Yellow, orange, red and green fruits and vegetables contain vitamin A, B, C and E. They are excellent antioxidants and eat as much fruits and vegetables as you can.

Conclusively, eating fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin A, B, C and E will greatly reduce acne, but do not expect that they will cure your acne overnight. Eat them regularly and after a month you will notice that blackheads and whiteheads are gradually disappearing.

For More Information about Acne!!!!!! Visit…….

For, Solution Visit

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